5 Hair Resolutions for 2014
Be kind to yourself. We're too hard, too critical, too quick to judge ourselves harshly. Do your best and look for resolutions you can actually enjoy keeping! Here are my suggestions.
- I will visit my salon regularly. "Regularly" doesn't have to mean every four weeks, but a little maintenance on a regular basis saves time, reduces bad hair days and can save you money too. If you don't believe me compare the "regrowth" price on your salon's price card to the "colour correction" one!
- I will pay for the best I can and expect the best in return. Your hair is the part of your outfit you can't take off. You know good shoes make all the difference: great stylists do too. That said, don't put up with second-rate service if you're paying first-rate prices. You deserve better!
- I will buy a few good quality products and use them. One of the reasons your hair doesn't look as good as it did in the salon mirror could be the shelf full of crusty mousse and 3-for-2 hairspray you're using. Detox in January and bin the lot (trust me, you'll only feel bad for a day) then buy one or two good quality styling products and use them as directed. It will make all the difference.
- I will see my hair with a fresh pair of eyes. New Year is a great time to review. What do you want your hair to say about you? What is it saying right now? If the two aren't the same start moving towards your goal.
- I will make a plan and stick to it. Set your hair goals, work back from big events and holidays, make your appointments and stick to them. I'll bet that leads to less stress and less frantic phone calls two days before that family wedding where you simply CAN'T have 2" roots.
That's got to be easier than dropping 20 pounds and living off lettuce hasn't it?
Phil xxx
Bravo Hairdressing, 57 Cheap Street, Newbury, Berks. RG14 5DH (01635) 552323
Bravo Hairdressing, 57 Cheap Street, Newbury, Berks. RG14 5DH (01635) 552323
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